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DCD Australia recognises the importance of research that advances understanding and support for those impacted by DCD and its importance in our advocacy efforts. You can read more about the Australian Impact for DCD project below. If you are interested in participating in research into DCD, see the link to our research register.

Impact for DCD Project

Impact for DCD is the largest survey conducted in the world to identify the challenges experienced by children with DCD and their families. Our organisation worked with researchers from around Australia to develop a survey to examine the challenges related to obtaining a diagnosis, impact of the disorder on activity and participation, difficulties encountered in the school environment, access to therapy, and the social and emotional impacts on the child and their family. The survey was launched in Australia and completed by the parents of over 400 children aged 4-18 years. Findings were presented in a landmark report attracting national media attention. The data were used to develop a series of key recommendations, a blueprint that will be used to drive our advocacy efforts moving. 

Impact for DCD has grown to become an international advocacy campaign, with the survey launched in several other countries around the world. The team here in Australia are currently working on an Adult Impact for DCD survey.

Register for Research

The DCD Research Register is an initiative to improve the depth of research into DCD in Australia. Families and individuals are able to register on to a secure database held at Victoria University, Melbourne. When a research study into DCD is approved by an Australian Human Research Ethics Committee, and details are provided to manager of the DCD Research Register, they will send out information about the study to those on the database who may be eligible to participate (this will vary based on location, age etc.). Should you wish to know more about the study, you are then able to contact the researchers directly.

Your information is never passed on to research teams directly, not to any third parties, and will not be used in any research. Expressing your interest by registering does not commit you to taking part in any project now or in the future and you may ask to be removed from the database at any time without question. 

You can find more information, or register directly, here.