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About DCD Australia

DCD Australia is a national, not for profit, organisation. Our mission is to improve the lives of those affected by DCD by raising awareness, and providing education and support.

Our Vision

A world where DCD is recognised and understood by the community, health and education professionals and people with DCD are supported to achieve their potential.

Our Objectives

  • Advocate on behalf of people with DCD to ensure they have access to the services and supports they need
  • Facilitate peer support to people and families affected by DCD
  • Raise awareness in the community of the complex nature of DCD
  • Provide information, resources and education about DCD for professionals and the community

Who are we?

Our Committee is composed of families impacted directly by DCD, leading researchers, education staff and allied health professionals from across Australia. We work to raise awareness of DCD in the community, to provide resources for families and professionals, and training for medical, education and allied health staff.

How was DCD Australia formed?

When their six year old son Kai was diagnosed with DCD in Melbourne in 2013, his parents Samantha and Brian Elbers went looking for information and support. They were disappointed to find very little in Australia. Driven to help others in their situation, they formed DCD Australia Inc. in 2015 (initially called Dyspraxia Kids Australia) to ensure that families would have the support and resources required to navigate the often complicated journey through diagnosis and beyond. We are proud to have Kai as an ambassador for DCD Australia Inc.